OpenCart is a very popular CMS recent days. I'm working With open for Last 1 and half years.
I was never been a writer, this is my first attempt to write something on blog.
I'm going to explain and do some example how can we modify opencart coding.
OpenCart is a CMS with MVC(Model–View–Controller) format.
The basic File structure.
Admin part:
Public part:
/catalog /controller/
/catalog /model/
/catalog /language/
/catalog /view/
In /system:
this part is used to the open cart system run it content all the basic engine for controller,model,database and a library of some much needed model. like cart, customer, database,session etc.
there are two folder /image and /download the admin and the public both use this folder for storing and showing image and other files.
There are some folders need to be writable /system/cache , /system/logs , /image and /download
In the /../controller folder opencart keeps all its controller files /../model folder models and /../view view files
the /../language fro language files fro various languages.
I was never been a writer, this is my first attempt to write something on blog.
I'm going to explain and do some example how can we modify opencart coding.
OpenCart is a CMS with MVC(Model–View–Controller) format.
The basic File structure.
Admin part:
Public part:
/catalog /controller/
/catalog /model/
/catalog /language/
/catalog /view/
In /system:
this part is used to the open cart system run it content all the basic engine for controller,model,database and a library of some much needed model. like cart, customer, database,session etc.
there are two folder /image and /download the admin and the public both use this folder for storing and showing image and other files.
There are some folders need to be writable /system/cache , /system/logs , /image and /download
In the /../controller folder opencart keeps all its controller files /../model folder models and /../view view files
the /../language fro language files fro various languages.
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