Today i have to solve a problem in MySql , The problem is i have two table in openCart 1. category_description category_id language name 1 1 category 1 2 1 category 2 3 1 category 3 4 1 category 4 5 1 category 5 6 1 category 6 7 1 category 7 8 1 category 8 1. product_category produc_id category_id 1 1 1 2 1 5 2 1 2 3 2 4 3 2 3 6 The resulting data should be like that produc_id category_name 1 category 1,category 2,category 5 2 category 1,category 3,category 4 3 category 2,category 6 I can do tha by in php by taking the category name to it's respective product id and implode them , but it will take much time and processor power cos the i have to do query every product id separately, I was searching the right query in MySql and found the function GROUP_CONCAT()