Ok, my problem was that i have to execute query to multiple mysql server, The easy way to do that to make connection to each of those servers and send query. And i work with php. In some part of my project i need to do hundreds of query at a time and normally php don't support multiple query to database. To do that i have to change some (.h) file in server what i don't have access. I't take lots more time to execute query cos every time send a query to the remote serve the php wait for the result and then send the next query. but if i can send all the query once then it will take less time. I saw searching net for that and couldn't find a better way. Then i thought to do it by my my salfe. And i thought to make a PROCEDURE where i will send all the query with some delimiter. And i coded the below PROCEDURE CREATE PROCEDURE `execute_query`(var_complexe_query LONGTEXT,var_query_delimiter VARCHAR(20)) BEGIN SET @new_string := var_complexe_query; SET @execute...